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Fill out our Online Request Form or call 206.473.8715 to leave a message. If calling please be sure to include your name, phone number, and the item you're requesting.
If you are requesting crutches, please let us know the height of the user. If requesting a wheelchair, please tell us the approximate weight of the user and whether you need a chair that must be pushed by an attendant or one that can be propelled by the user. If ordering a boot, we need to know the shoe size.)
The Care Closet will contact you and arrange for a pickup within 1 or 2 days, Monday through Friday. If you have a need for the items right away (even on the weekend) please let us know. Your requested items will be left outside in the breezeway between the two small barns at the Lutheran Church, 18623 Vashon Hwy. SW. You can pick these up at your convenience. All equipment is on loan to you for a two week period, but you can make arrangements for a longer loan period if needed.
Sign our Use of Equipment Waiver which will be attached to the borrowed items when you pick them up or return them. (Place signed waiver in the plastic container by the door of the north barn). If you have lost the waiver you can download one here. You will not have to sign waivers for any future request once the first waiver has been turned in.
Pick Up

The Care Closet is located behind the Vashon Lutheran Church:
1863 Vashon Hwy SW
Vashon Washington 98070
Your requested items will be placed in the breezeway area between the two barns with your name attached.
Care Closet
18623 Vashon Hwy SW
Vashon, WA 98070
Quick Links
Forms & Documents
Use of Equipment Waiver Form
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