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Join the Vashon Care Network's Crew of Dedicated Volunteers:  
helping us help others in our Vashon Island community...


Volunteer Application & Confidentiality Certification

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Confidentiality Certification:  After reading the statement below, please certify that you have read and agree to abide by the requirements listed it by checking the box provided.

Respecting the privacy of our clients, donors, members, staff, and volunteers is a basic value of Vashon Care Network (VCN). Personal and financial information is confidential and should not be disclosed or discussed with anyone without the subject's permission or authorization from the President of the Board of Directors. Care shall also be taken to ensure that unauthorized individuals do not overhear any discussion of confidential information and that documents containing confidential information are not left in the open or inadvertently shared.


Certification:  I have read Vashon Care Network’s Statement of Confidentiality presented above. I agree to abide by the requirements of confidentiality and inform the President of the Board of Directors if I believe any violation of the policy has occurred. I understand that violation of this policy may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of my service.

Thank you for applying!
We'll get back to you soon!

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