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Family Caregiver Meeting

The Caregivers' Bulletin Board 

News, Opportunities, and Information for Care Providers

Caregiver Circle of Support Group Thursdays 630 pm - 730 pm.jpg
Meetings every Thursday from 6:30 p.m.- 7:30 pm
at the Lutheran Church
18623 Vashon Hwy. SW
For more information contact Tory Hayes, 206.304.4544.

Online Health Care Aide (HCA) & Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) Training

Senior Patient with Walker

Cornerstone Healthcare Training is a licensed private vocational school that provides online caregiver training.  It was founded by Robin Van Hyning, RN, MSN.  She and her team have a passion for caregiving, and support caregivers in skill building and gaining certification.   


Cornerstone has supported and trained over 30,000+ healthcare professionals in Washington State.  Check out their free COVID-19 Caregiving Course:

Learn the basic business aspects  of caregiving from IRS expert and business consultant:  Deborah Diamond
Browse our Caregiver Resource Directory links that offer both you and your caregiving clients useful information and support.
Our Community Resource Directory page 
connects you to a wide variety of support and information from community organizations, county, and governmental resources. 
Looking for a Caregiver?
Browse our 
Find A Caregiver page
which includes our 
Caregiver Directory
and a guide toDirectoryCaregivers on Vashon 
Hiring a Caregiver
plus resources for Family Caregivers
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